Our Building
Located at 1223 Emery Street, the Temple Sholom building was purchased in 1960 for the congregation to have their gatherings. It consists of two levels - the main level with the synagogue and the lower level with the meeting room and kitchen. The synagogue contains the seating area for the congregation and the bimah/altar. At the very front of the synagogue is the Ark, containing our Temple Torah scrolls, the most holy of our artifacts.
Our Food
Our Food
Most of Jewish worship is followed by a meal of some sort. Whether it’s a simple Oneg after the Friday night shabbat service, or a full Kiddush meal on Saturday, we have fabulous food. Our synagogue boasts a kosher dairy kitchen. This means that the only food that can come in or be made there must be kosher and must be dairy or parve based. We also usually have vegan and/or gluten free options for those of our members who prefer that. Along with our regular meals, we often also have holiday meals, most notably for Passover and Chanukah. Check our events page for more information.
Food Requirements: Anything brought in for our Onegs & potlucks must be dairy, vegetarian, &/or vegan; & no meat products & absolutely nothing made with lard.
Suggestions: Lettuce Salads, Egg Salad\Tuna Salad, Hummus & Pita, Pasta Dishes, Cheeses, Veggies, Bagels & Cream Cheese, Cakes, Cookies, Fruit, Sorbet, Ice Cream, Etc.
Our People
It all starts with the people. Without them, our community is nothing. And we have the best people. Our congregation ranges from the very observant to the casual service-goer. With ages beginning at the very youngest of three and all the way up to the most wise, our community brings experiences from all over the world and all walks of life. This leads to a rich diversity in our membership - what more could we ask for? If you are curious about our people, just ask! You can learn more about our leadership here, and our membership here.